
Kupanda Sisters Literary Club
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In 2017, the literacy rate for Guyana’s youth in both boys and girls ages 15-24 was comparable to developed nations, at 96% and 97%, respectively. However, this rate is misleading, as only 29% of the country’s population lived in urbanized areas—with access to resources for furthering a child’s education and future career being limited in underdeveloped areas. Kupanda Sisters was formed to address this gap in educational access and empower students to rise above their setbacks and strive for personal excellence.

The Kupanda Sisters organization, launched on May 25, 2019, will partner with the Sophia Primary School in Georgetown, Guyana, in South America, working with children ages 4-10. The first phase of the project will address the educational needs of 10 students chosen by the Headmistress, and will pair excelling students with those that are academically challenged. The pairs will not only learn and grow together, but will also inspire and encourage interconnectedness. Through a series of workshops and teambuilding projects, all children will learn the value of cooperation, respect, and compassion. Participants that display maturity for mentorship will learn leadership skills and provide peer support and advocacy to impact and create change. This programmatic model ensures our youth have hope for the future, and their own prosperity, and will also leave a legacy for future generations.

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How You Can Help: Action Steps!

Here’s where you can get involved. We have identified some action steps you can take to directly contribute to raising the literacy rate in underserved communities.
Ask your child if they want to participate. One of the unique aspects of Kupanda’s model is our mentorship program where we are directly pairing children who excel in reading and writing with a child from an underserved community. We believe the chance to experience collaborative and innovative learning styles is the most effective and mutually beneficial experience a child can have.
Spread the word. If you are busy, this is a great way to support our work. Tell a friend, or post it on social media, #KupandaSisters! The more people that know, the better!
Sponsorship. For those that are able to sponsor our work, you can choose up to three ways to donate and directly finance our work.

  • Provide an educational tour for the children. With your help, we can bring children from underserved communities on a tour of the United States and really immerse them in a new part of the world. Broadening the horizons of a child in an absolutely invaluable experience.
  • Sponsor someone’s basic educational needs. Sometimes, these women and children just lack the basics, things like books, pen and paper, tablets, chairs or benches. If you’re not able to sponsor a tour or a speaker, this is an excellent way to make an invaluable, tangible difference by providing the funds to purchase these basic learning supplies.
  • Donate to bring in a motivational speaker. Thanks to advances in technology, it is easier than ever to communicate. Sometimes, it can be life changing to see someone who shares something in common with you, achieving things you never thought were possible! You can donate to bring a speaker who can not only represent the possibilities but also speak directly to them.
Kupanda Sisters' event
Kupanda Sisters' event